Saturday, April 10, 2010

My First Blog!!

Yep, its my first blog! Welcome Deba to the wonderful world of blogging. Every other person has been doing it and even as I type this a hundred more would have joined in. So what made me jump onto the bandwagon - nope it wasn't a mere whim or fancy, neither was I deeply moved by some incident into writing about it - my mom thinks its very cool and actually prodded me into starting a blog of my own. I don't really think she gets the idea but well... she loves encouraging me and thinks of me as some multi-talented superstar waiting to be sprung upon the world.. so here I am obeying my mother like the dutiful daughter I should have always been. Love you you and your crazy ways both.
My first blog comes at a time when I am a 26 year old bank employee living away from home in the city where it all is and where it all happens - Mumbai! It should send a shiver down one's spine really, its not meant to sound grand. I am so homesick and sick of all the charms that Mumbai has to offer. The 'city of dreams' that they show in the movies - where its all glamour and late nights and bright lights - is just a farce for a city that harbours an entire generation of homesick youth, an entire generation that's working their posteriors off and yet wondering why they cant just earn less and spend more back in their own hometowns!
I wanna go home to my mum and dad! Well I really shouldn't be writing any more today cause all that's coming out is me wallowing in an ocean of self-pity, and sympathy being something I detest, I shall sign off and come back in cheery mode - but seeing the words self-pity reminds me - I will leave you with a poem by D.H.Lawrence that I caught in the movie GI.Jane and loved it --
Self Pity
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.


  1. Good one, Debarati! I liked your account of the real Mumbai. Thanks.

  2. well thanks chakravarthy, yours were the first words of praise for my blog..first ever!he he .. and i have tons more to write about the real mumbai.. so i hope u like the other posts too

  3. good going deb! can't wait for your next one, and who knows, you might end up inspiring me as well, it'll be so much fun. yay!
    and i think you're really funny. and the best part is, miss rebeiro would've been sooo happy with the D.H. Lawrence part. :D

  4. yes Debarati! I'd wait to read the tons about Mumbai. After all, it's my dream city too!

  5. Good one Deb...Waiting for more...

  6. Really good post....I want to see more of Mumbai - the non glam one thro ur eyes.
