Thursday, June 17, 2010

P G Wodehouse - must read!

I haven’t let myself read too much lately – I blame that not on being a good-for-nothing-lazy-bum, but on my … errmm ahem…busy schedule! :) Train journeys though, they give you that much needed unplanned and unslotted time to catch up on things like reading & Psmith is one of those people that makes my railway travels way more tolerable than they should be!

Psmith is one of the most popular characters created by my favourite P G Wodehouse. He is probably more of an autobiographical character, but he along with others like Mike, and Jeeves, can make one laugh so hard at their ‘serious’ly funny reflections on life and people, that it’d put all those ROTFL, LOL and LMAO expressions to shame!

P G Wodehouse uses words that could be understood by even a 5th grader, and yet his words are strung together almost musically and the meaning is always so hilarious – it’s like you are reading a brilliantly composed musical comedy. I’ve to say at this point, without meaning to sound immodest, that I have been or at least used to be quite an extensive reader, and his books are the only ones I’ve read and found myself laughing out aloud at, needless to say that has led to a few embarrassing moments for me.

Poking fun at the upper classes that reflected his own background, he spun tales so ridiculous that they’d put even David Dhawan to shame, and yet it all came together so beautifully that you cant help but be completely engrossed in the world that his characters live in.

Anyone who has led a life without ever having read one of his books would be advised to drop everything else and rush like a tornado to the nearest book store and obtain a copy, or since u are reading this, and are already on the ever useful world wide net - you should check out this link for his e-books, its an experience you could thank me for later ;)

For the first-timers at P G stuff I’d suggest the Psmith series so that you can get used to his subtle yet very effective humor that is not the in-your face kinds.


  1. well written, and I echo the comment above me - you should write more often. ~ Tia
